New Scientist

Earth wouldn’t have ice caps without eroding rocks and quiet volcanoes
Farmers used trash to grow crops in barren sand 1000 years ago
Surprising fossils suggest early animals survived outside of water
Meet the man who single-handedly tracks every spaceflight mission ever
Dyes made by microbes could reduce the environmental impact of clothes
Giant megalodon sharks may have sparred with their jaws
Carbon-neutral hydrogen can be produced from farm waste
California’s groundwater drought continues despite torrential rain
Rewilding is often championed, but could it be bad for biodiversity?
Why we may crave dessert even when we are full from dinner
Using AI tools like ChatGPT can reduce critical thinking skills
Quantum batteries charge faster the larger they are
Most Europeans may have had dark skin until less than 3000 years ago
Mouse brain slices brought back to life after being frozen for a week
Tiny dwarf galaxy might house a supermassive black hole
Oil firms' plans for net-zero oil extraction labelled as 'PR spiel'
Competition opens to find the world's most perplexing computer code
Using common painkiller in pregnancy might raise ADHD risk in children

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