New Scientist

SpaceX prepares for Starship flight with first 'chopstick' landing
Social media companies change their policies in the wake of bad press
Wafer-thin light sail could help us reach another star sooner
Dark matter may solve the mystery of how colossal black holes merge
AI can reveal what’s on your screen via signals leaking from cables
Millions of trees could grow faster with a boost from wild fungi
Watch a robot peel a squash with human-like dexterity
Biodegradable microplastics may actually be worse for soil and plants
Mars rover found a rock with possible signs of ancient life
A type of brain cell helps explain the calming influence of mothers
We may finally know what caused the biggest cosmic explosion ever seen
Evidence mounts that shingles vaccines protect against dementia
DeepMind AI gets silver medal at International Mathematical Olympiad
Space travel may make muscles age extremely quickly
One of Earth's major carbon sinks collapsed in 2023
Why many studies wrongly claim it’s healthy to drink a little alcohol
Early humans began wiping out elephant relatives 1.8 million years ago
Lunar samples reveal exactly when the moon’s largest crater formed

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